Wednesday, January 18, 2006

just a day just an ordinary day

hello am in the school tempest now... taking adcantage on the school's interenet!!! :D anyways i went to school as usual feeling very nervouse i dont why but i do but ice made my day brighter he said 'Hi! sup' first person to greeted me and he walked with me to the staff room. feeling a lil uneasy walking to the staff room full of teachers i spotted tcher menchi and tcher lata saw me and she said "Sarah your getting skinner and skinnier everyday. One day you'll just dissapear!" i just laugh. I followed teacher menchi to the office and there tcher Veronica spotted me! "OMG the OTH!!! i didnt bring it actually i didnt burn it. My comp overheated with all the burning i've been doing!" freak... she went out and said "Sarah do you bring the OTH" "Er... ahm.. no" i reply hahaha and she was like when can you give me? i apologize and said that i'll give it to her on Saturday. hahahaha and she went "Just because i now cannot control your marks your being very naughty!"hahaha sigh teachers!!

no one's here yet just me... all alone in the tempest but its okay I got the tempest all to myself :P hahahaha i think im a lil bit screw loose right now.. maybe lack of sleep again... hahaha bye for now.

infinite X's and O's

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