Tuesday, February 28, 2006


hello!! im all from the phils and im suprise to say that it aint that bad here as im living with my cousins. they're so cool. I'll tell you why later. Anyways the place im staying has like three floors. the ground flood (1st floor) is the kitchen and the dining room, second floor is the living room and the third floor is the bedrooms and toilets plus there's a roof top where all the laundry is done. So its kinda cool and yeah i've been running up and down the stairs :p. right now my cousins are at school and im all alone at the house. not really alone. my grandma is resting and my baby cousin KC is sleeping. KC is so cute and adorable. Kevin i think is 15 plays the guitar and is insane about music. He's a guitarist and he teaches me how to play the guitar. He also updates me on the lastest music so i'm updated. Kiano i think is 13. He knows english better than anyone else in the house. He talks to me in english and i tried to talk to him in tagalog. plus we both corrected each other if one makes a mistake. everything is all okay they haf a pet dog and its a dalmation. its so cute and it doesnt bite. plus it sorta understood you and follows your order. BTW its name is uri. So you go "stay Uri, Sit Uri and all" and he'll do what its told. you just have to say its name every end of the command =p
i bought this ISP (internet Service Provider) and its only like B$3 for 120 hours but the only thing is it can only reach at the max 55 kbps but its okay and im using the telephone line so i have to turn it off when ever someone wants to use the telephone. Everything is okay so far. kinda loving it, (there's cable!!!) and yeah i got the internet. I'm not home sick cause i feel like at home but am terribly missing you guys so much so yeah till next blog!

1 comment:

Amilyn said...

hehehe hello!! GLAD u're happy there! 3 floors? mMmmm nice nice HEHE your cousins sound sooo cool AND the dog is named uri? bet you're teasing Uri like hell now hahaha and if you're not, you should at least tell him about it ;)

internet connection in brunei is sooooooooooooooooo expensive :S what you have, is like a real good deal. haha =) IM WEARING MY PURPLE BAJU KURONG!!! ;) check out here for me in tudong mwahaha!